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Book n More


Personal / Family History Book

Share your unique personal journey with loved ones through a keepsake book that contains memories and photos from your life. Your book will preserve a detailed record of your life and achievements.

Legacy Letter

A legacy letter offers you an opportunity to communicate the essence of your life to your descendants. I will craft this precious distillation of your life — your values, the lessons you’ve learned, and the touchstones in your life — in as little as a few weeks.

Special Occasion Booklet

Highlight the moments in a special someone’s life — a child, a parent, a relative, or friend — on the occasion of an anniversary, birthday, wedding, memorial, coming of age, or other occasion.


Have you penned stories from your life over the years, but need help assembling them into a smooth narrative? With my assistance as your editor and coach, we will shape and polish your memoir into an actual book!


Personal history projects are unique, and can vary greatly in price depending on your needs and preferences.
The cost of a personal history book can be compared to a family vacation. But, unlike a weeklong getaway, your book will last forever, bringing your family together again and again through its stories and photos. It will be a priceless gift to your children, grandchildren and other family members.
A personal history book can run several thousand dollars and up, while a legacy letter can run several hundred dollars or more.

My goal is to define a project that is both meaningful and affordable for you. Please contact me so we can talk about your vision and ideas, and your budget. Then we can develop a project tailored to your preferences.

Book n More

“Our family history book would not have been possible without Carla’s skillful interviewing, patience, sensitivity, and curiosity. She helped my mom open up and share feelings about events long ago, and interviewed over a dozen other family members and friends. What we have now is priceless — a wonderful book that my family will enjoy for generations to come.”

Tiffany H.